We have a system that is simple, efficient, and worry-free. Request your Inspection, TODAY!
We will conduct an onsite inspection of all of your property. This inspection includes your home, your vehicles, campers, decks, fences, and other exterior items. Anything that has been damaged on your property will be documented for you. This will help speed the process up so that we do not have to ask for those items later.
Once we have completed your onsite inspection, we will discuss with you the damage that is present. We will discuss with you a plan for repairing the damage, go over the materials to be utilized, review the colors and styles that you would like for us to install, and offer our extended warranties to provide you with some amazing warranties and service.
We perform all the services and repairs for the price of the insurance proceeds. We do this to make things easy on our customers. We know that people do not set money aside for an unexpected weather event, so we perform the restoration for what the Insurance pays. The Insurance Companies keep up with market pricing, the cost of doing business, and the going market values for repairs, so it is a fair price. Obviously, it is not the highest or best price for us, as they are in business to make money, too, but due to the volume of work that we receive from a storm event, we are happy to do it! The only thing that needs to be negotiated with the insurance is the scope, or the “list,” of what is damaged. This is all completed prior to starting the project. At this time, we sign the “Insurance Contingency Contract.” This form describes the work to be performed, the details of the project, and the price of Insurance Proceeds only. This allows us to negotiate the scope of work with the insurance company, to communicate with them about your claim, and to show that we have agreed to a solution for the repairs. We only request insurance inspection if damage is truly present, so a denial does not happen often. The important thing is that in the event that your insurance company absolutely refuses to pay for your repairs, there is no obligation, fees, or issues with this tentative agreement. The Insurance Contingency Contract is only valid in the event of insurance approval.
Once we have done our inspection, you will call in the claim to the insurance company. At this time, they will provide you with a claim number for us to use as a reference, and they will assign an adjuster. An adjuster will then contact you with a tentative time that they will be there to inspect and resolve this claim. Please contact us immediately so that we can schedule your representative to be present. If for any reason an adjuster denies the claim, and we are certain that you deserve compensation, we will request a re-inspect from the insurance company. They will usually send a different adjuster or make the first adjuster meet with us if they did not, so we can show them the damage and resolve any discrepancies.
Most of the time, the insurance companies agree with the findings, notate the damage, and will either complete the insurance scope at that time, or within a few days we may receive the scope via mail or email. Once we have this scope, those are the current authorized repairs. They will have deducted the amount of your policy deductible that you chose when you purchased your policy, they will have deducted “life” of the existing material vs the replacement cost, and they will issue the initial payment. This payment will be either made to you directly, or it may have your mortgage company listed as a payee as well. An example of the actual cash value vs the replacement cost value would be if you have a 30-year shingle that is 15 years old, they will pay for half at this time. If you have the replacement cost policy, upon completion, they will pay the remaining balance. This will be listed on the form as well, but that is the easiest way to explain what they refer to as depreciation.
Once the adjuster has approved the Insurance scope, we will repair your home! Once all of the repairs have been completed, we will send the completion form to the insurance company requesting the remaining depreciation balance, and any unforeseen items that may have been missed or unseen due to removal of the old materials. Sometimes an extra layer of shingles may be present, or they did not approve the Ice and Water Barrier until the roof is actually replaced. They refer to that as PWI or paid when incurred. They hold this money back in case someone chooses to keep the partial check and no longer insure their roof.
Typically, you will receive two checks. The first check will be enclosed with your initial scope of work, the second after project completion. In the event that your mortgage company is listed on the check, you will simply contact your mortgage company, explain the situation, and they will have a system in place to get your check endorsed and released back to you. Some mortgage companies will want to inspect the job to ensure that the work was actually completed before they will release this back to you. In the past, they did not do that, but many people began to just keep the money without making the repairs, thereby lowering the value of the property that the lender has an interest in, so we understand why they do this.
We maintain an extremely high level of professionalism and expertise. We have limitless integrity, and we always try to overachieve with our delivery of services to our customers. Our customers are the most important part of the company. Our customers support our families and make our business grow. We are based on old-fashioned beliefs, and we strive to give you what you deserve, our best.
It is a very risky thing to provide money to a company prior to commencement of the job.
We have no issues with insurance companies. There are many companies that commit insurance fraud at every storm event. They lie about damage, will actually cause damage to items that have no damage, and they will send in invoices for work and items that they did not repair, or may not have even existed. We have seen it all and so have the insurance companies. Insurance companies like us. We are honest, easy to work with and we do an excellent job for our customers.
We have decades of success and experience under our belts. Decades.
We use the best of materials. Our Landmark Pro outclasses the other brands, has a better warranty, and the high-definition colors really allow your home to stand out! We do not use felt paper. We use Synthetic only. We use ridge cap that is designed for hips and ridges.
We will be in contact with you from the beginning to the end of the project, and will have the answer to any question, and the ability to handle any request that you may have. We are proud of our customer service, and we will always treat you with kindness and respect.
Our crews are efficient and install the projects in the correct way. Anyone can wake up one day and say that they are a roofer. They can climb the roof, install one, and you would never know how it went until the next big rain, the first ice storm, or the first high wind situation. Not an issue with StormXperts.Com.
Your project manager will have more things to talk about. Every home is unique, and we are good at identifying the needs of our customers. Ask them about any special concerns or questions, and they will have or will find the answer. They are truly knowledgeable and helpful and will be at your service if you need them for anything. They will be with you through the entire process. They can answer any questions that you may have.
Thank you for taking the time to learn about our company. Feel free to call us for your free, onsite inspection. Your project manager will guide you through the rest of the process!